Pirates of the Caribbean Pirates of the Caribbean, in fact and fiction.
One of the oldest pages on the web devoted to piracy in the 17th and 18th century.

Long Range Desert Group LRDG, The Long Range Desert Group, 1940-1943
Discusses the mission, personnel, organization and equipment of the WWII British special forces unit.

A Pocket Guide to Knives
being a primer for the novice knife collector as well as a useful pocket companion for the more advanced member of the knife collecting community. Also see my Rough Rider Knife Reviews.

The Sailing Knife The Sailing Knife
A compendium of knives devoted to the nautucal life.

WWI Ace Werner Voss Werner Voss, WWI Flying Ace
While only a teenager, he became Germany 4th highest ranked flying ace from WWI.

Chicago's Hegewisch Neighborhood Hegewisch, Chicago's southern most neighborhood.
This unofficial site promotes business and community activities. It is the oldest web site for the community.

St. Florian Parish St. Florian Parish
Serving the Hegewisch community since 1905, St. Florian also is home to the last Catholic elementary school in the neighborhood.

Steve Goodman, folk singer Steve Goodman
A Chicago are Singer/songwriter from the 1970s, the site is the oldest site devoted to this folk legend.

Toby's parsonal page Gufi-Fut A hodgepodge of personal interests and old web pages developed over the years

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